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A Beginners Guide to CMAC Goju-Budo (Volume 1)
Sensei Chet Dixon

A Beginners Guide to CMAC Goju-Budo Volume One is the first in a series of new books authored by Sensei Chet Dixon that are designed to provide the beginner in Goju-Budo the basics of Kata, self-defense, stretching and many other valuable fundamentals. Kata covered in this book are Taikyoku Gedan, Taikyoku Chudan, and Taikyoku Jodan )

Order item: 0001 - $20.00 Cdn - IN STOCK
Order item: 0001 - $35.00 Cdn for any two (Save $5)
Order item: 0001 - $50.00 Cdn for any three (Save $10)
Order item: 0001 - $65.00 Cdn for any four (Save $15)

NEW - eBook edition available here: gumroad.com/jadebuddha

Karate Book 1 Karate Book Basics Karate Book Stretching

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 2
Sensei Chet Dixon

CMAC Goju Budo Volume 2 takes a more in depth look at some of the philosophy behind Karate, as well as expanding on some of the self-defense teachings and other fundamentals from Volume One. The kata covered in this book include specifically Taikyoku Soto Chudan, Taikyoku Mawashi Uke, Taikyoku Kake Uke, Gekisai Itch, and Gekisai Ni.

Order item: 0002 - $20.00 Cdn - IN STOCK
Order item: 0002 - $35.00 Cdn for any two (Save $5)
Order item: 0002 - $50.00 Cdn for any three (Save $10)
Order item: 0002 - $65.00 Cdn for any four (Save $15)

NEW - eBook edition available here: gumroad.com/jadebuddha

Karate Book 2 Karate Book Kata Karate Book Bunkai

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 3
Sensei Chet Dixon

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 3 is mainly centred on the training for an adult in the orange and green belt level. At the intermediate kyu level we start to explore the inner power of "Ki". Volume 3 introduces concepts such as Hara to the Hand, Chakras, Breathing and Rooting, Eight Points of Balance, and the Three Poisons of Man. It continues to expand on self-defense techniques as well as some two person drills. The kata covered in this book are Sanchin and Tensho.

Order item: 0003 - $20.00 Cdn - IN STOCK
Order item: 0003 - $35.00 Cdn for any two (Save $5)
Order item: 0003 - $50.00 Cdn for any three (Save $10)
Order item: 0003 - $65.00 Cdn for any four (Save $15)

NEW - eBook edition available here: gumroad.com/jadebuddha

Karate Book 3 Karate Book Tensho Karate Book Sanchin

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 4
Sensei Chet Dixon

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 4 focuses on the training for an adult in the green to brown belt level. The kata covered in this book are Saifa, Seiunchin, and Sanseiru. Sensei Dixon talks about training in China and Tibet. He discusses concepts like Kime, Kimochi and Metsuke. And, through the use of many photos and descriptions, Sensei Dixon shows you a number of applications for each of the kata.

Order item: 0004 - $20.00 Cdn - IN STOCK
Order item: 0004 - $35.00 Cdn for any two (Save $5)
Order item: 0004 - $50.00 Cdn for any three (Save $10)
Order item: 0004 - $65.00 Cdn for any four (Save $15)

NEW - eBook edition available here: gumroad.com/jadebuddha

Karate Book 4 Karate Book Saifa Karate Book Sanseiru

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 5
Sensei Chet Dixon

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 5 examines Sensei Wallace Platt's contributions to the evolution of Goju Ryu Karate. The book covers the application and theory of these kata: Gedan Te, Gedan Dai, Dai Chu Sho, Dai Chu Sho Dai, Futari No Kata, and Taikyoku Mawashi Kake Uke Sho. The book also includes sections on Shi Ho Waza training and analyzes the Shaolin Sequence - a Shaolin form that was learned on a training trip in China. Concepts coverd in Volume 5 are: Internal Power, Proper Practice, Irimi and Omote, and Sen - Go no Sen, Sen no Sen, Ken no Sen, Tai no Sen, Tai Tai no Sen, Sen Sen no Kachi.

Order item: 0005 - $20.00 Cdn - IN STOCK
Order item: 0005 - $35.00 Cdn for any two (Save $5)
Order item: 0005 - $50.00 Cdn for any three (Save $10)
Order item: 0005 - $65.00 Cdn for any four (Save $15)

NEW - eBook edition available here: gumroad.com/jadebuddha

Karate Book 5 Karate Book Dai Chu Sho Dai Karate Book Futari No Kata

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 6
Sensei Chet Dixon

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 6 moves away from the core Goju Kata and looks at the first set of foreign katas for Kyu Belts - Wanshu, Hangetsu (Shorinji Seisan), and Itosu Rohai Shodan. It also gives a brief history on Karate and information on O'Sensei Richard Kim. Volume 6 also includes two Shaolin forms: Holy Heaven (Tien Tang) and Shaolin Sequnce 3 (Wubu Quan). Additionally, you will get information on the White Crane, Ippon Kumite, Two Person training and Nenriki (Finger Knitting) - which is accompanied by hand drawn illustrations of all the mudras by Sensei Bassels of CMAC Yume Dapo.

Order item: 0006 - $20.00 Cdn - IN STOCK
Order item: 0006 - $35.00 Cdn for any two (Save $5)
Order item: 0006 - $50.00 Cdn for any three (Save $10)
Order item: 0006 - $65.00 Cdn for any four (Save $15)

NEW - eBook edition available here: gumroad.com/jadebuddha

Karate Book 6 Karate Book Hangetsu Karate Book Nenriki

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 7
Sensei Chet Dixon and Geoff Busbridge

CMAC Goju-Budo Volume 7 covers the foreign katas of our system that are required for grading to Shodan - Empi Ha, Naihanchi, Bassai Dai. The katas are presented and analyzed in a clear, easy to follow manner with bunkai and history given for each one. In addition to the katas, there is also a wealth of information for aspiring Black Belts - the break-fall sequence, tips for grading, as well as some food for thought on what it means to be a Black Belt.

Order item: 0007 - $20.00 Cdn - IN STOCK
Order item: 0007 - $35.00 Cdn for any two (Save $5)
Order item: 0007 - $50.00 Cdn for any three (Save $10)
Order item: 0007 - $65.00 Cdn for any four (Save $15)

NEW - eBook edition available here: gumroad.com/jadebuddha

Karate Book 7 Karate Book Empi Ha Karate Book Bassai Dai

Tai Chi Chuan
Sensei Chet Dixon

Tai Chi Chuan. Beijing Short Form flip book.

Order item: 0008 - $10.00 Cdn - IN STOCK

Tai Chi Short Form Book Tai Chi Short Form Book Tai Chi Short Form Book

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